Jan. 22, 2022

Faithspotting "The Power of the Dog"


Mike and Kenny discuss the The Power of the Dog and spot faith issues reflected in Academy Award winning director Jane Campion's latest film. Faith Issues Spotted: Living in and holding on to one's "glory days" and idolizing people, places and things...

Mike and Kenny discuss the The Power of the Dog and spot faith issues reflected in Academy Award winning director Jane Campion's latest film.

Faith Issues Spotted:

Living in and holding on to one's "glory days" and idolizing people, places and things in one's past rather than moving on in life and growth. The Transfiguration of Jesus story, (Matthew 17, Mark 9, Luke 9,) refutes this when Jesus brings Peter, John, and James down the mountain to head to Jerusalem rather than build booths to remain on the mountain top.

Refuting the shame associated with and onto people and families associated with suicide.

The place and possibility of redeeming grace amidst murder and execution

Psalm 22, the place of dogs and presence of God in the midst of suffering.