Mike and Kenny discuss and spot faith reflected in the latest Darren Arononfsky film, The Whale, starring Brendan Fraser. The film tells the story of Charlie, a 600 lb man who teaches virtul writing classes. Struggling with the health challenges...
Mike and Kenny discuss and spot faith reflected in the latest Darren Arononfsky film, The Whale, starring Brendan Fraser. The film tells the story of Charlie, a 600 lb man who teaches virtul writing classes. Struggling with the health challenges caused by his weight, Charlie decides to attempt to reconnect with his High School aged daughter, (Sadie Sink) eight years after leaving her and his wife for another relationship. Tirgger warning: The film may be difficult for those struggling with eating disorders.
Brenden Fraser A24
Faith Spotted:
The film depicts a full picture of humanity, that persons have both good instincts and desires as well as selfish and negative motivation and behavior.
The importance of seeking honesty in relationships and community.
The consequences the actions of individuals, families and communities have on others, especially the detrimental impact breaking relationships over differences in beliefs, and life choices.
The calling and purpose of the Church and persons of faith to pursue healing, maintaining and restoring relationships as demonstrated in God's care for Adam and Eve even as they rejected God as well as the love and care of the forgiving father following the rejection and shame of his prodigal son.
The difference between escaping, seeking a new life, and escapism, hiding or being disctracted from the realities of one's condition. Many things including food, sex, power, influence, work, entertainment, and faith can be used tools for escapism. Faith offers the ultimate escape from a life of brokenness to new life in Christ, and it is the call of the Church to seek out the lost and broken.
Charlie as a Christ figure in taking on himself the anger of others which allows them an opporutnity for new life and.